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Thursday 28 March 2024

IAHR Global Online Dialogue on Water Engineering Pathways Towards Net Zero



Water has long been acknowledged as a key element in the effects of climate change and as a crucial aspect in mitigation and successful adaptation, where it can operate as both an enabling and a limiting factor.

Hydraulic infrastructures undoubtedly serve as the basis for hydropower systems, navigation, flood prevention, wastewater treatment, and water delivery all over the world. This puts hydraulic structures and engineering at the center of the discussion of a rapidly changing world, where water must be put at the heart of climate action.

Water-wise mitigation is the only way to accomplish the goals of Paris Agreement, the implementation of SDG6 and other related SDGs.

IAHR organized a webinar under the title: "Water Engineering pathways towards net zero" to discuss and identify what we know and don't know about opportunities and threats associated to water engineering that need to be evaluated to guarantee that mitigation efforts can be sustainable. This online event brings together global leaders and experts to provide insight into knowledge gaps, opportunities and ways forward to achieve “net zero”.

Based on decades of research and scientific dissemination, IAHR experts from different TCs shared perspectives and stressed the need for further studies on critical water-related issues to convey the interdependency between water and climate change mitigation.

Time in Different Zones
This event was held on Thursday 28 March 2024 at:

08:30-10:00 New York Time
12:30-14:00 UTC Time
13:30-15:00 Madrid Time
20:30-22:00 Beijing Time
More local time can be found by clicking here.


Introductory remarks (5 mins)
Elpida Kolokytha | Chair, IAHR Working Group on SDGs

Speakers (7 mins each)

Stefan Uhlenbrook | Director, Hydrology, Water Resources and Cryosphere Branch, WMO
Study on Water Requirements of Climate Mitigation Measures
Anthony Slatyer | Founding Member, Water Policy Group
Water and Climate Change Mitigation Inter-Dependencies
Tomasz Kolerski | Chair, IAHR Technical Committee on Ice Research and Engineering
Ice research and engineering in relation to water and climate mitigation measures
Roberto Ranzi | Chair, IAHR Technical Committee on Climate Change Adaptation
The role of interaction between river dynamics and the terrestrial ecosystem on the global carbon cycle
Gabriele Freni| Chair, IAHR/IWA Joint Committee on Hydroinformatics
Climate change impact on urban water distribution and urban water demand (including the urban water–energy nexus)
Daisuke Nohara | IAHR Technical Committee on Water Resources Management
Interdependencies between water and climate change mitigation in hydropower energy production by reservoirs
Ellis Penning | Chair, IAHR Working Group on Nature Based Solutions
Nature-based solutions, a powerful “option” delivered by ecosystems
Michele Mossa | Chair, IAHR Technical Committee on Eco-hydraulics
Energy supply from sea waves, currents, and tides

Panel discussion (Panelist sharing, 2-3 mins each)

Closing remarks (5 mins)
Elpida Kolokytha | Chair, IAHR Working Group on SDGs


Stampa Stampa

Michele Mossa
Professor of Hydraulics at the
Polytechnic University of Bari
Department of Civil, Environmental, Land, Building Engineering and Chemistry
Via E. Orabona, 4 - 70125 Bari - ITALY


Coastal Engineering Laboratory
Area Universitaria di Valenzano
Strada Provinciale
Valenzano - Casamassima, Km 3, 70010 Valenzano, BARI- ITALY