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Friday 18 December 2020

LIC in the community of Italian space research excellence


The Italian Space Agency, with the support of the Ministry of University and Research, the Interministerial Committee for Policies relating to Space and Aerospace Research (COMINT) and the Conference of Italian University Rectors (CRUI) promotes research as an engine of innovation and pillar for the growth and development of new skills with application to the space and aerospace sector. The space and aerospace sector with the new challenges of research innovation and technology is increasingly called to be a place of aggregation of multi-disciplinary and intersectoral skills, and an element of stimulus for collaboration initiatives that support research for the benefit of space / aerospace programs current and future and of the national ecosystem.

The section of the ASI website https://www.asi.it/portale-della-ricerca-spaziale/ aims to raise awareness of the excellence and peculiarities of Italian space research with the ambition of becoming a permanent showcase for Universities and Research Bodies operating in the Space sector or connected to it. It is at the same time a virtual agora where the scientific communities of the space and aerospace sector can be gathered and stimulated to provide ideas and research proposals on innovative topics, including foresight ones, and to find useful information on the topics of research training.

The goal is to build a community and an access portal to the excellence of space research, for the benefit of the challenges of the future: a dynamic community open to academic and scientific-technological research realities which, even apparently 'far from' Space context can identify possible connections and opportunities for collaboration with the space and aerospace sector.

The LIC - Coastal Engineering Laboratory is present: https://www.asi.it/portale-della-ricerca-spaziale/video-pitch-universita/

Stampa Stampa

Michele Mossa
Professor of Hydraulics at the
Polytechnic University of Bari
Department of Civil, Environmental, Land, Building Engineering and Chemistry
Via E. Orabona, 4 - 70125 Bari - ITALY


Coastal Engineering Laboratory
Area Universitaria di Valenzano
Strada Provinciale
Valenzano - Casamassima, Km 3, 70010 Valenzano, BARI- ITALY